Book Fair
A Book Fair was organized by Vivekanandha College of Arts and Science (VICAS) on 11thSeptember 2017. 18 Publishers were Participated and displayed variety of books. Our college students visited the book fare and bought number of books. Nearly 350 books were bought for our Library. More than 10,000 students visited and benefited.
Trade Fair
A Trade Fair organized by Department of Master of Business Administration (MBA) from 12th to 14th September 2017. In this Bazar, many stalls were sold their things like Textiles, Bakery products, Costumes, Food Items and Home made things. Our college students were participated in this bazar and purchased many things.
Tree Plantation
Tree Plantation programme was held in our College on 14th September2017. The event began with the welcoming of guest Honorable Mr. Chokkalingam, Chief Executive, Vivekanandha Educational Institutions by Dr. S. Arockiasamy. The Chief Executive planted saplings at vacant places and the roadsides, fenced them and watered the plants. The B.Ed. Student-Teachers, Teaching and Non-Teaching staff members actively participated in the programme.