Inaugural Function of 1st B.Ed., 2021-2022 on 17.12.2021.
naugural function was conducted in our Vivekanandha auditorium A/c as on 17th December, 2021 for our B.Ed first year students.Our Chairman sir Prof. Dr. M. Karunanithi, Chairman & Secretary, Vivekanandha Educational Institutions & Hospitals, Tiruchengode & Sankari presided by the function and gave his valuable speech and wishes to the students for the academic year 2021-2022.
The Principals also gave her valuable speech and whishes to the students. Students share their opinion about the course and the benefits for studying this college.
Orientation of B.Ed Students
As the student teachers are going to assume the new academic year, a one-day orientation programme was given to KSCED , B.Ed. students on 3rdAugust 2017. Dr. S. Arockiasamy, Principal of Krishnasree College of Education for Women, oriented the students on the functioning of the college and the curriculum of the B.Ed. programmes. This gave an idea of the vision of this institution and what they are going to do in the forthcoming academic year.
Bridge Course
To enrich the prospective teacher's competency in various skills, we organized a bridge course from 4th to 9th August 2017 comprising of various topics like Health & Hygiene, Importance about Mathematics, Society Abuses, Student Discipline, Stress Management, Personality Disorder, Value Education and Innovative Teaching in Classroom.
Library Orientation Programme
A Library Orientation Programme to the fresher's of B.Ed. on 10th August 2017. The main objective of the programme was to help the students in identifying the resources in the library and the general library, and to instruct the students on the rules and regulations to be followed while using the library.
Kaviyarasar Kalai Tamil Sangam- 2017
State Level Essay, Poem and Drawing Competitions organized by KaviyarasarKalai Tamil Sangam, Paramathi Vellur, Namakkal on 15th August 2017. Our College KSCED 83 B.Ed. I year Students were participated in the competitions. Our Student Miss. P. Gowsalya First year B.Ed. in English was achieved the State level Fifth Place in Essay Writing and Miss. S. Anandhi First year B.Ed. in English was achieved the State level Fifth Place in Drawing.
Swami Vivekanandhar Award
Our KSCED B.Ed. first year student Miss. P. Gowsalya won the Swami Vivekananadhar Award (Best Achiever in Easy Writing and Poem Wring) organized by Bharathi Yuva Kendra Trust, Madurai on 9th March 2018.
Second Year B.Ed. Practical Examination
Dr. P.N. Lakshmi Shanmugam, Assistant Professor, TNTEU, Chennai was acted as convener and Mrs. P. Indra, Assistant Professor, Sri Swamy College of Education, Ayothiyapattinam, Salem was member of the second year B.Ed. Practical Examination held on 26th& 27th February 2018 in our KSCED for the academic year 2017-2018.
Orientation Programme for our Faculty
One day Record Writing Orientation Programme for the faculty members was organized by Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai held on 08th September 2017 at Padmavani College of Education, Salem. Mr. K. Chandraprakash, Assistant Professor in Mathematics of Krishnasree College of Education for Women participated in the programme. Mini Teaching, Lesson Plan writing and other practical activities of the B.Ed. degree programme were discussed in the Orientation programme.