Dengue Awareness
Dengue Awareness Programme was organized on 24th August, 2017.
Dr. Karunakaran, Physician, Government Hospital, Manikkampalayam, Namakkal District was the resource person for the programme. He explained the causes of dengue fever and explained how to prevent it. Our B.Ed. students participated in the programme and all were given “NilavembuKashayam” to prevent Dengue.
Stress Coping Strategies
A one-day programme on “Stress Coping Strategies” was conducted on 30th August 2017. Dr. S. Arockiasamy, Principal of Krishnasree College of Education for Women welcomed the gathering. Dr. Samuel AgustinaLataJeyaraj, Head, Department of Business Administration, Vivekanandha College of Arts and Science for Women (Autonomous), Elayampalayam was the resource person. She explained the meaning of stress, causes and how to manage stress with video clippings. It was very useful to the students and the doubts of the students were clarified. After getting the feedback, with a formal valedictory function the programme came to an end.
HIV/AIDS Awareness
The programme on the “HIV/AIDS Awareness” was organized by Krishna College of Education for Women on 23rd September 2017. Mr. N.R. Vaideeswaran, External Faculty at Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA) in Chennai delivered a lecture among the B.Ed. student-teachers and made them aware of the HIV/AIDS issues through a power-point presentation and life skill promotion. He has shown some videos and photographs.
Awareness on Energy Conservation Programme
Awareness on Energy Conservation Programme was organized by KSCED on 23rd September 2017. Mr. N. R. Vaideeswaran, External Faculty, Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA), Chennai was the Resource Person. The resource person discussed why energy should be saved. He was explained with several real life examples. He explained how the investment can be reduced using energy petrol. Energy audit is aimed to improve energy productivity i.e. to reduce Awareness on Energy Conservation Programme energy consumption per unit product. Different steps for energy audit like monitoring and control, reduction of losses, maintenance, more efficient equipment’s, more efficient processes were highlighted.
NAAC Awareness Programme
Our Staff members had participated in one day conference on NAAC Awareness Programme was held on 10th November 2017 at Padmavani Arts and Science College, Salem. It was organized by Joint Director of Collegiate Education, Dharmapuri Region, Dharmapuri.